Monday, October 26, 2020

Cydia iOS 14.1 - The Best Alternatives

Apple released iOS 14.1 with a number of bug fixes improvements. Likewise, the iOS 14.1 official releases are available with the iPhone 12 series. Then all the iPhone 12 series users have the ability to use Cydia third-party apps, games, themes, and other apps than the default App store on iOS. Cydia is the most recommended application manager on iOS. For iOS 14.1 users, Cydia iOS 14.1 is the best alternative to the official Apple App Store. 

Jailbreak Solutions For iOS 14.1

As you know before, Cydia can’t be installed on iDevices directly. Cydia is only compatible with the iOS jailbroken iDevices. To download Cydia for your latest iOS 14.1 operating system, you have to get jailbreak iOS 14.1 on your iDevices. Jailbreaking is a process of accessing iOS system files beyond the manufacturer restrictions. It gives you the superpower of your own device. For iOS 14.1 users, jailbreak iOS 14.1 is essential for Cydia iOS 14.1 download on your handsets. 

According to the latest news of Jailbreak solutions for iOS 14.1 updates, Checkra1n released the best solution. Checkra1n is a hardware-based jailbreak tool. That means Apple cannot patch any software update with Checkra1n jailbreak and also it directly affects the device chipset. With the help of the Mac PC, you can install Cydia on iDevices using Checkra1n iOS 14.1 jailbreak

Remember that Checkra1n Jailbreak iOS 14.1 allows with limited iDevices to install Cydia package manager. Therefore, we have to try a supported jailbreak tool for iOS 14.1 and then experience the best alternatives for downloading Cydia iOS 14.1 on your iDevices. 

Cydia iOS 14.1 Compatible iDevices 

Devices support on iOS 14.1:

  • iPhone 6s, 6s Plus, and SE

  • iPad 5th generation

  • iPad Air 2

  • iPad mini 4

  • iPad Pro 1st generation

  • Apple TV 4 and 4K

  • iBridge T2

Devices will be supported in soonly:

  • iPhone 7 and 7 Plus

  • iPad 6th and 7th generation

  • iPod touch 7

  • iPad Pro 2nd generation

Devices in a future statement:

  • iPhone 8, 8 Plus, and X

Download Cydia iOS 14.1 as the best alternatives

Most of the Apple device holders have the best priority to use the iOS jailbreak method on their handsets to experience the Cydia on their iDevices as an alternative to the iOS App Store. Cydia is the best replacement for the App Store and all Apple users can download Cydia on different iOS updates. 

Indeed, the Cydia app on iDevices offers the new iOS update apps and gives amazing third-party tweaks and more for iDevices. Yes, you have the chance to get amazingly featured rich third-party apps, tweaks, add-ons, games, extensions, and themes for iDevices. Also, you can easily customize your operating system on your iDevices if you like. So, Cydia iOS 14.1 is now available as the best alternatives to the official App Store on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch devices.  

Saturday, October 24, 2020

iOS 14.1 Jailbreak and Cydia Download Availability

Once you successfully upgrade the new iOS 14.1 updates on your iDevices, you hope to get the Cydia jailbreak facilities on it. If you are also the biggest customer of Cydia, you will search for the best iOS 14.1 Jailbreak to Cydia Download. It is a must process if you hope to get the Cydia package on your iDevices. The reason is Cydia runs only for iOS jailbreak supported devices. So, iOS 14.1 jailbreak helps you to easily download Cydia iOS 14.1 on your iDevices. Not only for that these methods recover issues that you previously face on iDevices and increase the performances beyond the Apple restrictions. If you have an interest in knowing the iOS 14.1 Jailbreak and Cydia download availability, you have come to the right place. 

iOS 14.1 Jailbreak is now Available with Checkra1n 0.11.0 version

In the revolution of iOS versions, Apple just introduced plenty of new facilities to the iOS 14 series. Now, they launched iOS 14.1 to cover-up bugs on official iOS.  iOS 14 is supported by all iPhone and iPad devices. If you are the iOS 14.1 software updates user, now you can easily jailbreak iOS 14.1 using Checkra1n 0.11.0 Jailbreak.

Indeed, Checkra1n 0.11.0 Jailbreak is the iOS 14 jailbreak to the latest iOS 14.1 Jailbreak supported version. Checkra1n iOS 14.1 Jailbreak is the new updates of its series and it is available for limited iDevices. If you are the iPhone 6s, 6s Plus, SE, iPad 5th generation, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 4, and iPad Pro 1st generation iDevices users, they can use the Checkra1n 14.1 Jailbreak on their iDevices through the Mac PC help. Like the previous versions of Checkra1n 14 Jailbreak tools, Checkra1n iOS 14.1 Jailbreak is compatible with the A9(X) devices and lower devices.

Cydia Download Availability For iOS 14.1

Jay Freeman introduced the best application store that is slimmer to iOS with several versions for Cydia. Indeed, it is the best replacement for the official App Store on iOS. In this last month, Jay introduced the latest Cydia substrate for iOS 14 and now this is the latest update supported for iOS 14.1 as well. It helps to download third-party apps, Cydia tweaks, games, themes, ads, extensions, and get other facilities. 

Cydia iOS 14.1 is the latest version of the Cydia update. Indeed, Checkra1n was released for this iOS 14.1 jailbreak tool. With Checkra1n iOS 14.1 jailbreak, you have the possibility to download the best alternative Cydia store until all the iPhone and iPad supported devices. So, Cydia iOS 14.1 download is available for iOS 14.1 jailbreak supported devices.

As we mentioned, iDevice users have the possibility of using iOS 14.1 jailbreak to remove the restriction on iDevices and lets users download Cydia iOS 14.1. So Checkra1n Jailbreak for iOS 14.1 is an essential jailbreak tool to download Cydia.  

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Jailbreak iOS 14.1 Using Checkra1n - Are you ready?

At the moment, Apple has released the iOS 14.1 and iPadOS 14.1 software download support for the iPhone 12. It is now available to the public. If you are planning to jailbreak iOS 14.1 that comes out in the middle of 2020, this is the article we highly recommend reading. Today we will talk about jailbreaking for the newest and most anticipated iOS 14 - iOS 14.1.

The new iOS 14.1 Jailbreak with Checkra1n

We know that jailbreaking is a very demanding process to remove the entire restrictions on the system. Yes, it is the method that you can use to bypass the rules and limits imposed by Apple Inc. Not only for that it is the way you can download third-party apps and tweaks to iDevices from the Cydia store. Therefore, most of the Apple device users are willing to get the best experience of Cydia jailbreak on their handsets. 

According to the latest iOS updates, you will find out the latest iOS 14.1 jailbreak tools that you can use on your iDevices. With the help of the trusted iOS jailbreak tool, you can jailbreak iOS 14.1. Happy to say that we can use the newest and most anticipated iOS 14.1 jailbreak tool for compatible iDevices offered by the Checkra1n team. 

Checkra1n iOS 14.1 Jailbreak - New Features

If you are an iOS software update user by going to Settings -> General -> Software Update and starting the download iOS 14.1 new updates, Checkra1n iOS 14.1 Jailbreak is not a very hard process. For Cydia Jailbreak fans, Checkra1n Team introduces the best iOS 14.1 Jailbreak app to experience the Cydia iOS 14.1 facilities as you wish. Like the previous iOS 14 jailbreak of the Checkra1n Jailbreak app, Checkra1n Jailbreak iOS 14.1 is only compatible with the limited iDevices. If you are the below iDevice user, you can get the iOS 14.1 jailbreak on your handsets by using the Checkra1n. 

Supported devices include:

  • iPhone 6s, 6s Plus, and SE

  • iPad 5th generation

  • iPad Air 2

  • iPad mini 4

  • iPad Pro 1st generation

  • Apple TV 4 and 4K

  • iBridge T2

Unsupported iDevices but will be in future updates:

  • iPhone 7 and 7 Plus

  • iPad 6th and 7th generation

  • iPod touch 7

  • iPad Pro 2nd generation

  • iPhone 8, 8 Plus, and X

So, one of the above iDevice users, they can easily get the jailbreak iOS 14.1 and iPadOS 14.1 using the checkra1n jailbreak. It is a checkm8-based and hardware-based jailbreak tool that runs through the Mac computer. Currently, you can experience the Jailbreak iOS 14  and iOS 14.0.1 by expanding Checkra1n 0.11.0 version. Herewith iOS 14.2 betas. Hopefully, it will be supported for iOS 14.2 jailbreak as well. 

Download Cydia iOS 14.1  

The latest Checkra1n jailbreak was released for the iOS 14.1 update today. It means you can easily install Cydia for iOS 14.1 update supported devices. If you are a Checkra1n app compatible iPhone and iPad device user, Cydia iOS 14.1 download is very easy. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Checkra1n Jailbreak iOS 14.2 Latest Update

 Apple released iOS 14.2 beta version for public use. With this officially announcements most of the users, that have the permission to install the beta version, updated iOS 14.2 betas, and now they are waiting for jailbreak iOS 14.2 beta. As usual with iOS jailbreak, download Cydia iOS 14.2 beta is another opportunity to increase the performances of your operating system. Therefore such as the official update, users are interested in using jailbreak and Cydia even for beta versions as well. 

Jailbreak iOS 14.2 

The latest Checkra1n jailbreak update successfully achieved the goal of iOS 14.0.1 jailbreak and iOS 14 jailbreaks. This is the latest Checkra1n version 0.11.0 update and now it is updated for a limited iDevice users. However, it is, if you are interested, using Checkra1n now it is possible to install Cydia iOS 14.0.1 as well. 

Apple iOS 14 is the latest released operating system and this is the fourteenth major release. After the release date of iOS 14, apple immediately introduced iOS 14.0.1 update as well. And now, Apple released iOS 14.2 public beta versions to general use. If you are a registered user in the beta testing program, you will have the latest opportunity to install this beta versions. Jailbreak allows users to remove all the unnecessary barriers from your operating system and it will give root access for your operating system. iOS 14.2 jailbreak is the latest jailbreak update and we hope that Checkra1n will be updated for iOS 14.2 and for upcoming iOS 14.1 as well before the other jailbreak tools updated. 

About Checkra1n jailbreak - install Cydia iOS 14.2 

Checkra1n jailbreak enables the iOS 14 jailbreak facility this time also. So now the latest Checkra1n update successfully expanded for iOS 14 jailbreak, and iOS 14.0.1 jailbreak. So Apple users have the opportunity to install Cydia through this Checkra1n latest jailbreak update. 

When Apple officially released iOS 14.2, there is a possibility that Checkra1n will be immediately updated as previous time and then you can install Cydia iOS 14.2 as well. Here you can easily install the latest Cydia substrate that was targetly release for iOS 14. 

latest update - Jailbreak iOS 14.2

Checkra1n is a hardware-based jailbreak tool and it was released for iOS 13 for the first time. Checkra1n is a stable jailbreak update rather than software-based jailbreak tools. Here this is completely free and for iOS 14 jailbreak, this is the most reliable update. Checkra1n jailbreaks based on your iDevice chipset. Therefore Apple cannot patch Checkra1n jailbreak using software updates. 

The previously released Checkra1n version 0.10.X versions were updated for all the A5- A11 devices. But the latest version limits the compatibility furthermore, but it will immediately update the compatibility for more iPhone and iPad devices.

The latest Checkra1n 0.11.X beta for iOS 14.2 

The newly updated Checkra1n jailbreak version is Checkra1n version 0.11.0. Now it compatible with iOS 14 jailbreak and iOS 14.0.1 jailbreak. By the way, you can use it to install Cydia iOS 14, ioS 14.0.1 as well. But for iOS 14.2 jailbreak still, Checkra1n does not release another update. Team Checkra1n will release another checkra1n version 0.11.X update for jailbreak iOS 14.1 and iOS 14.2 in further days. The compatibility is completely free and reliable. So you can enjoy the best Cydia opportunities here for the upcoming operating system through this powerful Checkm8 exploit. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Jailbreak iOS 14.2 Expanding Checkra1n 0.11.0

Looking at the possible jailbreak app to Jailbreak iOS 14.2 at the moment? Well, Checkra1n will be the first jailbreak tool developer to iOS 14.2 software updates. With the release of the Checkra1n 0.11.0 version to the iOS 14 jailbreak, they hope to expand the Checkra1n 0.11.0 version to get the jailbreak iOS 14.2 as well. If you are interested to know the latest upcoming updates of the Jailbreak iOS 14.2, read the rest of this article until the end. 

Jailbreak iOS 14.2 - New Upcoming

Apple will launch the official iOS 14.2 in the near feature. At this moment, they lanced the iOS 14.2 betas with dedicated bug fixes of previous iOS 14 updates. Checkra1n released the first jailbreak tool for iOS 14 a few days ago. But there is a problem because it is only released for older devices such as iPhone 6s plus and below. Yes, it is only available for a limited range of devices. 

Checkra1n is a hardware-based jailbreak tool that requires a Mac computer. It supports all A5-A11 chipset based iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches. It is currently available for iOS 12.3 - iOS 14.0.1 devices and one of its co-developers has already demonstrated Jailbreak iOS 14.2 as soon as possible. So, jailbreak for iOS 14.2 will be possible with the famous Checkra1n jailbreak app. For Apple iPhone or iPod device users who own one of the Checkra1n compatible devices, they can easily get the Cydia jailbreak facilities on their handsets. Trust, you can run it on your device and install the latest Cydia Download iOS 14.2 as well.

Checkra1n 0.11.0 version will be the next latest Checkra1n jailbreak tool that is supported for the Jailbreak iOS 14.2. So, you just have to wait until Apple releases the iOS 14.2 official version to the public, and then you have the possibilities to jailbreak iOS 14.2 and download Cydia iOS 14.2 supported devices. 

Download Cydia iOS 14.2 Possibilities 

By making Jailbreaking iOS 14.2 and iPadOS 14.2, Checkra1n has released the first jailbreak tool for iOS 14.2 version. But hopefully, it will only release for older devices such as iPhone 6s plus and below. However, if you wish to install Cydia iOS 14.2 to enjoy the best Cydia package with thousands of new third-party apps, Cydia tweaks, games, themes, ads, extensions, and many more facilities, you should have to takes jailbreak iOS 14.2 on your iDevices just only a few seconds. So then you can install Cydia for your iPhone or iPad device. 

If you need to install the Cydia package on your iOS 14.2 update iDevices, it will be available for both jailbroken iDevices freely without any mess. Surely, Checkra1n Jailbreak iOS 14.2 will be expanding Checkra1n 0.11.0 version to the iOS 14.2 next upcoming of Apple Inc. 

Monday, October 5, 2020

Jailbreak iOS 14, iOS 14.0.1 and iOS 14.2 - Latest possibilities

Jailbreak is a wonderful process that allows Apple users to customize their operating system. Here this is the only way to get root access to your operating system and for iOS 14.2 jailbreak, iOS 14.0.1 jailbreak, and iOS 14 jailbreak most of the jailbreak tools working for iOS 14, still Checkra1n is the only updated jailbreak tool for iOS 14 and iOS 14.0.1. With this jailbreak process, Cydia is another experience and Users can easily download Cydia iOS 14, iOS 14.0.1, and iOS 14.2 after this iOS jailbreak process.  

Apple introduced the fourteenth major version last September. Now there are several bug fixed updates available and if you are currently upgrading the iOS, you may probably looking for jailbreak and Cydia download iOS 14  - iOS 14.2.   

Jailbreak iOS 14, iOS 14.0.1 and iOS 14.2 

Jailbreak is the best way to remove all the unnecessary barriers from your operating system. Therefore, whether iOS updates include thousands of flexible features, as necessarily Apple users jailbreak their operating system. The jailbreak will remove those imposed restrictions, limitations, rules, and regulations from the operating system and then you can directly download third party applications for your operating system. 

iOS 14.2 jailbreak sill not officially confirmed as still, Apple does not officially release the iOS 14.2. This iOS 14.2 is just only a beta update. But iOS 14 jailbreak and iOS 14.0.1 jailbreak now freely available for all the users those who loved iOS jailbreak.   

Checkra1n jailbreak latest possibilities 

Checkra1n is the only supported jailbreak tool for the iOS 14 section as other jailbreak communities still failed to introduced jailbreak for iOS 14. The unc0ver jailbreak tool stuck in iOS 13.5 and still there does not have any announcements about further updates. 

Checkra1n is a hardware-based jailbreak tool that was updated for iOS 13. This is a popular checkm8 exploit and it directly affected device chipset. Checkra1n is not only for iOS jailbreak. Here it gives users the freedom to download the best Cydia app store as well. 

Checkra1n version 0.11.0 is the latest Cydia update and now you can use it for jailbreak iOS 14 and iOS 14.0.1 jailbreak. The new update support only for selected iDevices and those are,


  • iPhone 6s, 6s Plus, and SE
  • iPad 5th generation
  • iPad Air 2
  • iPad mini 4
  • iPad Pro 1st generation
  • Apple TV 4 and 4K
  • iBridge T2

For your previously supported iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPad 6th generation, iPad 7th generation, iPod touch 7, iPad Pro 2nd generation, still the new Checkra1n compatibility not updated. 

Latest Cydia substrate - Download Cydia iOS 14, Cydia iOS 14.0.1, Cydia iOS 14.2 

Finally, using the latest Checkra1n update Apple users get the freedom to jailbreak iOS and download the latest Cydia iOS 14, iOS 14.0.1 without any messing. The latest updated Cydia substrate supported iOS 14- iOS 2 operating system versions. It means for all the supported devices using Chekcra1n now you can easily install Cydia iOS 14.2 and below without any messing.  

Saturday, October 3, 2020

The Best Cydia Tweaks iOS 14.0.1

For an alternative application store to the official AppStore, Cydia is the very first AppStore for jailbroken iPhone, iPad, and iPod devices so far. Cydia gives the best secondary apps and tweaks for iPhone, iPad, and iPod devices. If you hope to get the best Cydia Tweaks iOS 14.0.1 on your iOS 14.0.1 latest software update devices, this is the article you should refer to and do not miss to read. 

Cydia iOS 14.0.1 Current Status 

Simply, Cydia is a third-party app store that you can use as a secondary app store on iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches. On the other hand, it is the best alternative tool for the official AppStore on iOS. Cydia is frequently updated with the latest iOS updates. 

According to the latest iOS releases, Cydia iOS 14.0.1 is the new version of its family. Normally, Cydia iOS 14.0.1 brings powerful third-party apps, tweaks, add-ons, extensions, themes, games, and more other important third party apps for iDevices. 

Not enough that you can customize the performances with the latest Cydia Tweaks and Cydia Tweaks iOS 14.0.1 is the latest tweaked apps that you can install from Cydia for free. 

Remember that Cydia is only allowed to run on the iOS jailbreak supported devices only. Therefore, you should have to get the iOS 14.0.1 jailbreak facilities on your iDevices. 

iOS 14.0.1 jailbreak - Is it possible? 

Absolutely Yes. if you are the iOS 14.0.1 software update, you may want to get the iOS 14.0.1 jailbreak new features access on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod devices. With the new iOS 14.0.1 released to the public, most Cydia jailbreak users are willing to download Cydia iOS 14.0.1 on their iDevices. 

Now, it was supported by the Checkra1n iOS 14.0.1 jailbreak as well. However, Checkra1n is officially released for the limited iDevices. If you are the below iDevice users, they can easily get the iOS 14.0.1 jailbreak without any troubles. 

  • iPhone 6s, 6s Plus, and SE

  • iPad 5th generation

  • iPad Air 2

  • iPad mini 4

  • iPad Pro 1st generation

  • Apple TV 4 and 4K

  • iBridge T2


Now, these iDevices users can be enriched with powerful features of Cydia to customize the performance of every nook and corner of iDevices with the latest Cydia Tweaks to iOS 14.0.1.

The Best Cydia Tweaks iOS 14 to Install on iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches

  • Activator

  • #installed

  • Boxy 4

  • IAmChinese

  • Liberty Lite

  • Butterfly

  • Call Assist Bar

  • CCSupport

  • Cercube

  • ForceInPicture

  • HideDots

  • Little11

  • LiveRings

  • HideLabels13

  • CozyBadges

  • Cr4shed

  • DVirtualHome

  • EasySwitcher

  • Folded

These are the latest Cydia Tweaks that you can install on iOS 14 and iOS 14.0.1 new updates supported iDevices. It was launching with the development of new apps and tweaks for iOS devices as well. You can use these the best Cydia Tweaks iOS 14.0.1 freely on compatible iDevices.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Jailbreak iOS 14.0.1 Using Checkra1n 0.11.0 Update

Now, the Checkra1n team has launched the most amazing jailbreak updates to their jailbreak tool series. It has preliminary support for iOS 14 at present. A few days ago, they gave a hint of the iOS 14 jailbreak tool for jailbreaking iPhone X and older devices. As a reality, the Checkra1n team released the first jailbreak tools to iOS 14 and it expanded to support iOS 14.0.1 as well. Are you ready to jailbreak iOS 14.0.1 using the Checkra1n 0.11.0 update? Let’s check the below article to download Cydia iOS 14.0.1 on compatible iDevices. 

Checkra1n 0.11.0 Update

Checkra1n uses a bootrom exploit for jailbreaking iDevices. It is an only run-up to the iPhone X and older devices’ previous versions. Also, it is a semi-tethered jailbreak app that supports Mac computers. Checkra1n supported iOS 12.3 - iOS 14.0.1 devices until yesterday, they launched the latest iOS 14.0.1 jailbreak after the Checkra1n latest release of version 0.11.0.

As of the latest update, Checkra1n 0.11.0 beta released for iOS 14. Indeed, it is the first iOS 14 jailbreak tool to be publicly launched and now it has expanded to the latest iOS 14.0.1 jailbreak. Checkra1n is the only possible jailbreak app to Jailbreak iOS 14.0.1 at the moment. However, it is only available for a limited range of devices. Keep in mind the  Checkra1n can only run on Mac computers. For that matter, you have to prepare a Mac PC to run the jailbreak on compatible iDevices. 

If you are an iDevice user who owns one of the Checkra1n incompatible devices, you have to wait for a little bit of time to get the Cydia jailbreak facilities on your iDevices. Therefore, now you can use the latest Checkra1n iOS 14.0.1 jailbreak to download Cydia iOS 14.0.1 on your iDevice.

Checkra1n iOS 14.0.1 compatible iDevices list

If you are curious about the compatible iDevice with the Checkra1n iOS 14 jailbreak, you can check the following list of iDevices.

These are the devices that we will initially support on iOS 14:

  • iPhone 6s, 6s Plus, and SE

  • iPad 5th generation

  • iPad Air 2

  • iPad mini 4

  • iPad Pro 1st generation

  • Apple TV 4 and 4K

  • iBridge T2

Checkra1n hope these devices will be supported in the coming weeks:

  • iPhone 7 and 7 Plus

  • iPad 6th and 7th generation

  • iPod touch 7

  • iPad Pro 2nd generation

In a future statement:

  • iPhone 8, 8 Plus 

  • iPhone X

If you are an iDevice user who uses the compatible iDevice with Checkra1n iOS 14.0.1 jailbreak, they have the possibility to download Cydia iOS 14.0.1 as well.  So, if you can wait for a few days or weeks, all iDevice uses would be to get the Cydia jailbreak on your iPhone or iPad running iOS 14 and iOS 14.0.1.